Title: Potter Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Potter Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Vergitgo Medium: Water Color on 140lb watercolor paper Size:18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Circa: 2015 Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Sunscape Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Lightwave Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Expulsion Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Shiver Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: For Karen Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: NOT FOR SALE High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Vanguard Special Rocket Medium: Automotive Restoration Circa: 1958-1959 Restoration 2017 Price: $2000.00 SOLD Produced in the late 50’s by the Great Lakes Tractor Co. the Vanguard Special Rocket was a kids gokart. It was powered by a 2 1/2 hp Clinton Panther engine and featured a friction brake and hand operated cable throttle. The …
Title: Phases Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below
Title: Oasis Medium: Watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Size: 18″ x 24″ Movement: Neo Romanticism/Abstract Expressionism Price: $250 ($400 Framed) High Resolution Detail Below Artist’s Statement – I prefer Expressionism to Impressionism. I find some Impressionistic painters like Monet to be too muddy. I believe that Impressionism requires a quick and deliberate set of strokes. Monet …