Antiquity – Furniture – Signs – Automobilia

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Coffee TableAntiquity is a word I like to use to describe a hodge podge of different oddities and interesting work that does not quite fit anywhere else.  In art and art history, Antiquity is defined as the period just prior to the Middle Ages.  For me, it’s anything that is just old and cool – classic!

Route 66 SignI’ve lobbed things like Furniture, Signage and Automobilia into this medium.  Each of the pieces I have created are generally made up of something that already existed. Whether restoring an old Gas Pump or repurposing a vintage wash basin into a modern coffee table, each project becomes a unique work of art.

Some of the pieces I create are new made to look old.  I use a process of acrylic paint and Elmer’s glue to create some rather interesting aged effects.  I also enjoy using found objects new or old in combination with the work.  The goal is to create a piece that has an interesting aesthetic affect without appearing kitsch or crafty.  I like work with a variety of mediums, primarily wood and metal.

Fire Alarm BoxOther pieces I have created contain both new and old elements. I typically like to start with a found object and build the work around it.  In a sense, I feel I am breathing life into the old by giving it a new frame of reference to be displayed in.  What I find most interesting about these objects is the artistry they contain on their own.  Once they are incorporated into a composition, the entire piece becomes a work of art.

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